Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Journey Thus Far

Thus far?

As stated elsewhere....The Journey is the goal. At the moment, the goal is just to get the journey started. In the past 24 hours I have managed a journey of about 17 miles...from Dublin to the Port Columbus. That's it.

It seems that some freak storms kept the Washington DC plane from leaving DC yesterday afternoon. So it never arrived in Columbus and I then missed the flight to London. Long story short....leaving today. A few weeks ago I was hacked and a message was sent that I was stranded in Turkey. Today I am somewhat stranded in Columbus, but I have my resources and a new ticket and should arrive in London early Thursday morning.

I'll give the airline credit for customer service as I used my cell phone to hustle some new flights. It took a while but I think I'm good. Perhaps the ticket agent on the other end of the phone took pity on me when I calmly said that I missed the flight and had to stay overnight. I asked for an aisle seat on the new flight to London and she promised that she secured it. She even said she would "upgrade" me. My hope was first class...the airline class to which I am most accustomed.
"Dream on." she replied.

But she said I'd get "Premier Seating." That sounded great. Perhaps cocktails and surroundsound TV. 
"And what does that get me?" I asked.
"Premier seating gives you five more inches of leg room." she responded.
"I'd be happy with 5 less inches in First Class" I said.
"Oh, but sir, we have waived the Premier Seating fee." 
"What is the price of five more inches?" Which is probably the first time I have ever had a discussion with an airline on that that topic.
"We have waved the $150 fee for your inconvenience." said the woman.

Recently the Pope has been critical of his flock taking undo liberties with church money. I tip my hat to him for speaking out against excessive spending in housing and banquets and the like. Pastors must set an example. I did the math and I figure that I have just been given $150 worth of legroom,free. That comes to $30 per inch. I will work out later with my Personnel Committee just how to justify such extravagance. 

As I left the airport last night I asked the local Airline Rep if I was entitled to a hotel voucher since my flight was cancelled. He was sympathetic but said,
"It was thunderstorms that cancelled the flight. We don't give vouchers for that. It was an act of God."

Fortunately, as a Pastor...that is something I can relate to.

Peace,  Bob

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